
hola! This is my blog for AP-Economics! hopefully I can provide you with the needed resources to pass your next test! And hopefully i do a better job than your calculus teacher! :D

Monday, February 9, 2015

Unit Two: Unemplyment

February 3, 2015

Unemployment: Percentage of people who dont have jobs but are in the labor force.

Labor Force: Number if people in a country that are classified as either employed or unemployed.

Unemployment rate:
# of unemployed 
*divided by
# of emplpoyed + # of  unemployed
*Multiplied by 100

Not in Labor Force: 
-Retired People
- Full time student
- Military Personnel
- mentally insane
- Stay at home parent
- Discouraged Worker
- Incarcerated

Full employment - Occurs when there is no cyclical unemployment present in the economy.
Also known as Natural rate of unemployment. (NRU) 
4-5% is out desired goal. 

Why is Unemployment good?
-Because there is less pressure to raise wages and more workers are available for future expansions.

Why Is Unemployment bad? 
-Not enough consumption (GDP) 
- Too much poverty
- Too much Gov't assistant needed

Okun's Law: For every one percent of unemployment above the NRU causes a two percent decline in real GDP.

Frictional Unemployment: People between a job becasue of new opportunities, lifestyle, choices, and educational level.
Seasonal Unemployment: Waiting for the right season to conduct your trade.
Cyclical Unemployment: Downturn in the business cycle. Bad for Society and individual.
Structural Unemployment: Lack of skill, decline in an industry, and technology changes. 

Unit Two: Inflation

February 2, 2015

Inflation: Rise in general level of prices.
Standard is 2-3 years

Inflation rate: Measures the percentage increase in the price level over time. it is a key indicator of the economy's health.

Deflation: Decline in general price level.

Dis-inflation: Occurs when inflation tare itself declines.

Consumer price index (CPI): measures inflation by tracking the yearly price of a fixed basket of consumer goods and services. In addition CPI indicates changes in the cost of living and price level.

5 Ways to solve inflation...

1. Finding inflation rate using market basket data
Current year market basket value
Base year market basket value
*Divided by
Base year market value 
*multiplied by

2. Find inflation rate using price index
current year price index
base year price index
*divided by 
base year price index
*multiplied by 100

3. Estimating inflation using 70: Rule 70 is used to calculate the number of years it will take the price level to double at any given rate of inflation.

Years needed to double inflation ... 
*divided by
Annual inflation rate

4. Determining real wages
Nominal wages
*divided by
Price level 
*multiplied by 100

5. Finding real interest rate
nominal interest 
inflation premium

Causes of inflation
1. Demand pull inflation- caused by an excess of demand over output that pulls prices upwards. 
2. Cost push inflation- caused by a rise in per unit production cost due to increasing resource casue. 

Effects of inflation
-Anticipated: already saw it coming.
-Unanticipated: Not Expecting


Helped by it...
-Borrowers - will be repaying with cheaper dollars than those that were loaned out.
-Fixed contract

Hurt by it...
-Fixed income
-Lenders and Creditors